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关于”写一篇学校变化“的英语作文范文5篇,作文题目:Write a school change。以下是关于写一篇学校变化的专业英语范文,每篇作文均为万能范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Write a school change








With the passage of time, my school has undergone many changes. From buildings to education, everything is constantly changing, me feel that the school is constantly progressing and developing.

Firstly, the school's buildings have been improved. The old teaching buildings are now worn out, and new teaching buildings have been built. These modern buildings bring a new atmosphere to the school and also provide better teaching conditions.

Secondly, the school's curriculum has also been improved. The school now offers more course choices, including music, dance, and sports, which allows students to have more opportunities to discover their potential and interests, and to better partite in school learning and activities.

Finally, the school has also strengthened its teaching staff and introduced more excellent teachers and experts. These teachers and experts have more experience and knowledge, and they can better guide students to achieve better results in learning and growth.

In summary, the changes in the school have brought us a better learning environment and a better learning experience. I believe that with the continuous innovation and development of the school, we will have a brighter future.







With the passage of time, the school has also undergone great changes. When I was studying, the school's facilities were very simple and lacked advanced technological equipment. Now, the school's buildings and equipment have undergone significant improvements and upgrades. Today, I will share the changes that have taken place in the school.

Firstly, the school's buildings have been upgraded. The old buildings have been replaced by more modern and flexible buildings. Now, the school has more teaching buildings, laboratories, and student dormitories, all of which are equipped with modern equipment and convenient facilities.

Secondly, the school's technological equipment has also been greatly improved. In the past, the school lacked advanced technological equipment, resulting in students' learning and research being greatly limited. However, with the advancement of technology, the school now has more computers, projectors, and network devices, which can make students learn and research more conveniently.

Finally, the school's curriculum and teaching methods have also been greatly improved. In the past, the school's curriculum and teaching methods were very traditional and lacked innovation and interaction. Now, the school adopts more interactive teaching methods, allowing students to partite in learning more actively. At the same time, the school's curriculum also covers more real-life problems and challenges, helping students better cope with future challenges.

In summary, the changes in the school can make students learn and research more conveniently. This change also makes the school more adaptable to the needs and challenges of the times.

Tags: 英语 学校

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