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关于”亮点短语“的英语作文模板4篇,作文题目:Highlight Phrase。以下是关于亮点短语的小升初英语模板,每篇作文均为高分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Highlight Phrase

Title: Highlighted Phrases in College English Composition


In college English composition, mastering impactful phrases not only helps to enhance our language skills but also makes our essays more persuasive and engaging. This article will introduce several highlighted phrases that can significantly improve the quality of our college English compositions.


1. It is worth noting that... (值得注意的是...)

Explanation: Use this phrase to draw attention to important points or ideas in your essay.

2. It is widely acknowledged that... (广泛认为...)

Explanation: This phrase is useful when presenting common knowledge or generally accepted ideas.

3. In view of the fact... (鉴于这一事实...)

Explanation: Employ this phrase to introduce evidence or support your arguments.

4. Consequently/Therefore... (因此...)

Explanation: Use these transition words to demonstrate the logical consequence of an idea or event.

5. On the contrary... (相反地...)

Explanation: This phrase is useful for presenting an opposing viewpoint or contrasting perspective.

6. In a nutshell... (简言之...)

Explanation: Employ this phrase to briefly summarize a complex or lengthy argument.

7. To ilrate... (为了说明...)

Explanation: Use this phrase to introduce examples, evidence, or anecdotes to support your points.

8. It goes without saying that... (不言而喻...)

Explanation: Use this phrase to state an obvious or self-evident point.

9. In a similar vein... (同样地...)

Explanation: Employ this phrase to present a similar idea or argument.

10. In conclusion... (最后...)

Explanation: Use this phrase to signal the end of your essay while summarizing your main points.


By incorporating these highlighted phrases into our college English compositions, we can greatly improve the quality and effectiveness of our writing. Remember to use them appropriately and ensure they fit seamlessly into the overall structure of your essay. Practice using these phrases regularly, and soon you will master the art of persuasive and engaging college English composition.



英语作文亮点短语 - English Essay Highlight Phrases


1. Firstly, it is widely acknowledged that... 首先,众所周知...

2. It is universally recognized that... 众所周知...

3. Undoubtedly, ... 无疑地...

4. Moreover, ... 此外...

5. Additionally, ... 另外...

6. Furthermore, ... 此外...

7. In addition to that, ... 除此之外...

8. What's more, ... 此外...

9. In other words, ... 换句话说...

10. On the one hand, ... 一方面...

11. On the other hand, ... 另一方面...

12. However, ... 然而...

13. Nevertheless, ... 然而...

14. Nonetheless, ... 然而...

15. In contrast, ... 相比之下...

16. In spite of ..., ... 尽管...

17. Although..., ... 虽然...

18. Furthermore, ... 此外...

19. Consequently, ... 因此...

20. Hence, ... 因此...

21. Therefore, ... 因此...

22. Thus, ... 因此...

23. As a result, ... 结果...

24. In conclusion, ... 总而言之...

25. To sum up, ... 总结起来...

26. All in all, ... 总的来说...

27. In my opinion, ... 在我看来...

28. From my perspective, ... 从我的角度来看...

29. I firmly believe that... 我坚信...

30. It can be concluded that... 可以得出结论...

31. It is evident that... 很明显...

32. It goes without saying that... 不言而喻...

33. The same is true for... 对于...同样适用...

34. It is worth noting that... 值得注意的是...

35. To ilrate this point, ... 为了说明这一点...

36. For example, ... 例如...

37. Specifically, ... 具体来说...

38. In particular, ... 特别是...

39. Such as ..., ... 例如...

40. As the saying goes, ... 俗话说...


English Essay Highlight Phrases

English essay writing is one of the most important ways to improve writing skills. Using appropriate highlight phrases can make the essay more vivid, fluent, and enhance the expression. Here are some commonly used highlight phrases in English essays for your reference and use.

1. Firstly, it is widely acknowledged that...

2. It is universally recognized that...

3. Undoubtedly, ...

4. Moreover, ...

5. Additionally, ...

6. Furthermore, ...

7. In addition to that, ...

8. What's more, ...

9. In other words, ...

10. On the one hand, ...

11. On the other hand, ...

12. However, ...

13. Nevertheless, ...

14. Nonetheless, ...

15. In contrast, ...

16. In spite of ..., ...

17. Although..., ...

18. Furthermore, ...

19. Consequently, ...

20. Hence, ...

21. Therefore, ...

22. Thus, ...

23. As a result, ...

24. In conclusion, ...

25. To sum up, ...

26. All in all, ...

27. In my opinion, ...

28. From my perspective, ...

29. I firmly believe that...

30. It can be concluded that...

31. It is evident that...

32. It goes without saying that...

33. The same is true for...

34. It is worth noting that...

35. To ilrate this point, ...

36. For example, ...

37. Specifically, ...

38. In particular, ...

39. Such as ..., ...

40. As the saying goes, ...

These highlight phrases can help you better present your point of view, arguments, and conclusions in English essays. Properly using these phrases in your writing can make your essay more fluent, logical, and leave a deep impression on readers.

Tags: 英语 大学

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