
author: 模版XIU 阅读:836 点赞:0

关于”过去现在将来“的英语作文范文3篇,作文题目:past present future。以下是关于过去现在将来的专业英语范文,每篇作文均为满分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:past present future

过去现在未来(Past, Present, Future)








Past, Present, Future

In the past, I was an excellent student. I always completed my homework on time, listened attentively, and actively partited in various activities. I worked hard and achieved good grades. Teachers often praised my efforts and progress, and classmates frequently sought my help in their studies. I felt proud and satisfied with my academic accomplishments.

Currently, I am still an outstanding student. I continue to maintain my enthusiasm for learning and a diligent attitude. Moreover, I have joined some clubs and organizations to enhance my overall qualities. I engage in volunteering activities at school, helping those in need. I not only focus on academic performance but also cultivate my character and moral values. I believe this will have a positive impact on my future development.

In the future, I hope to become a valuable member of society. I aspire to enter a prestigious university and pursue further education. I will choose a major that aligns with my interests and dreams, and put in efforts to excel. Whether academically or practically, I will continuously strive to enhance my abilities and skills. I hope to have the opportunity to contribute to society, solve significant problems, and impact the lives of others positively.

I understand that achieving these goals requires constant effort and dedication. However, I believe that as long as I persevere, I will succeed. I will continue to uphold the qualities and attitudes of an excellent student and pursue constant progress. I believe the past efforts will lay a solid foundation for my future achievements.


Past, Present and Future

The past, present and future are three different phases of life. The past is the time that has already gone by, while the present is the time that we are living in now. The future is what is yet to come.

Looking back into the past, we can learn from our experiences and mistakes. The past helps us to make better choices in the present and the future. We can also cherish the good memories that we have created in the past.

In the present, we have the opportunity to make the most of our lives. We can work hard, pursue our dreams and enjoy the company of our loved ones. It is important to live in the present moment and not to worry too much about the past or the future.

The future, on the other hand, is full of endless possibilities. We can set goals for ourselves and work towards achieving them. We can also antite challenges that may come our way and prepare ourselves accordingly.

In conclusion, each phase of life plays an important role in shaping who we are and who we will become. We should learn from our past, live in the present and look forward to a bright future.






Tags: 英语 3-6年级

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