
author: 模版XIU 阅读:264 点赞:0

关于”amy的暑假计划“的英语作文范文2篇,作文题目:amy's summer vacation plans。以下是关于amy的暑假计划的高中英语范文,每篇作文均为真题范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:amy's summer vacation plans

Amy's Weekend Plan

Amy is a high school student. She loves spending weekends with her family and friends. This weekend, she has made some plans to make the most of her free time.

Firstly, Amy will go on a picnic with her family. They will visit a nearby park and have a BBQ lunch. Amy's mom will prepare grilled chicken, hamburgers, hot dogs, and some salads. Amy will help her dad set up the picnic table and chairs. They will all have fun playing frisbee and badminton.

In the afternoon, Amy will meet her best friend Sarah. They plan to go shopping for some new clothes. They will visit their favorite store and try on some trendy outfits. Amy plans to buy a new dress for an upcoming dance party. Sarah will get a pair of stylish ss.

Later on, Amy and Sarah will attend a movie at the cinema. They will watch a comedy movie that they've been waiting for. Amy loves watching movies with her friend, and they always have a great time laughing together.

Finally, on Sunday morning, Amy will attend a basketball game. She is a big fan of her school's basketball team and loves cheering them on. She will meet some of her classmates there and have fun supporting their school team.

Overall, Amy has planned a fun and exciting weekend with her family and friends.


Amy 的周末计划







万能作文模板2:amy 的暑假计划 :

Summer Vacation Plan


Summer vacation is coming soon. I have made a plan for my summer vacation.


Firstly, I will take a two-week trip with my family. We plan to visit some famous tourist attractions, such as the Great Wall, the Terracotta Warriors, and the Yellow Mountain. I’m looking forward to this trip because I will have a chance to broaden my horizon and learn more about our country’s history and culture.


Secondly, I will attend a summer camp organized by a language school. The camp will last for three weeks. During this period, I will not only improve my English speaking skills but also make friends with people from different regions and cultures.


Finally, I will spend some time on self-improvement. I plan to read some books, learn a new skill, and do some exercise to keep myself healthy and fit.


In a word, I believe that my summer vacation will be fruitful and enjoyable.



My Plan for Summer Vacation

This summer vacation, I have made a detailed plan. First, I will spend the first two weeks on self-improvement. I will enroll in a painting class to enhance my artistic skills. Meanwhile, I will dedicate an hour each day to reading English books to improve my language proficiency.

In the following two weeks, I will join a volunteer program at a local animal shelter. I will help take care of abandoned animals and find them loving homes. I believe this experience will not only allow me to contribute to society but also teach me about responsibility and compassion.

After that, I plan to spend a week traveling with my family. We will visit some famous tourist attractions and enjoy quality time together. I am really looking forward to this bonding experience with my loved ones.

Lastly, for the remaining time of my summer vacation, I will focus on preparing for the next semester. I will review the materials from the previous semester and preview the contents of the upcoming courses. Besides, I will also partite in online learning platforms to broaden my knowledge in various subjects.

I believe this well-organized plan will not only allow me to make the most of my summer vacation but also help me develop myself in different aspects. I am excited about the upcoming summer and all the wonderful experiences it will bring.







Tags: 英语 高中 计划

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